Masonic Family Independence Day Celebration and BBQ
Richard FIsher
7/5/20241 min read

Our Masonic Family participated in the Safford, AZ Independence Day Parade and had a Family BBQ at the Lodge afterwards. Everyone had an excellent time. Our water guns were a big hit with the kids!! Special thanks to the Order of the Eastern Star Arcadia Chapter #9 of Safford, AZ and the Arizona International Order of the Rainbow Girls Assembly #7 from Willcox, AZ, for without whom we would not have had such a fun and successfull day! Members of the International Order of DeMolay, King Solomon Honorary Chapter, and Safford York Rite; Royal Arch Masons - Pinaleo Chapter #16, Cryptic Masons - Bonita Council #9 and Columbine Comandary - Knights Templar #9 participated as well.

Join us in fellowship and moral development.
Stated Meeting (Masons Only) : 1st Tuesday of each month @ 7:00PM (except July and August). Fellowship Dinner at 6:00pm - all are welcome. See our calender for additional activities during the month.
1421 South 2nd Avenue, Safford, Arizona 85546, United States
(928) 362 - 2171
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