Helios York Rite

The term “York Rite” has been established for well over 150 years, and is generally recognized as consisting of three constituent and indispensable bodies: the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, the Council of Royal and Select Masters, and the Commandery of Knights Templars.

Together with the Blue Lodge they teach an integrated story of Ancient Craft Masonry by a series of events, biblical and legendary, each body depending upon the two others for its Masonic background, and all three working together in a harmonious program of Masonic education, teaching the ancient Masonic story of the building, destruction, and rebuilding of King Solomon’s Temple. The Ancient York Rite stands on the records of history as the oldest and purest of all Masonic Rites.

Pinaleo Chapter #16 Chapter of Royal

Arch Masons

Bonita Council #9 Council of

Cryptic Masons

Columbine Commandary #9

Commandary of Knights Templar

York Rite Bodies of the Gila Valley