Dolan Campbell Memorial Clothe-a-Child Program Fund Raiser 2024
Our Annual Clothe-a-Child Program Fund Raiser is Kicking Off!!
R. Fisher
10/16/20242 min read

The Mt. Graham Shrine Club, with the support of Safford Territotial Lodge #16 Free and Accepted Masons and the Order of the Eastern Star, Arcadia Chapter #9 is sponsoring the annual Dolan Campbell Memorial Clothe-A-Child 2024 program for the needy children in our area. Once again, each child will receive a minimum of one complete outfit, including shoes, socks, underwear, a shirt or blouse, jeans or a skirt, and a jacket or coat. The school nurses from Pima, Thatcher, and Safford will be asked to complete applications, which we will provide, with the names and ages of children in grades K-6. We attempt to get at least 20 children from each school district. It is our goal to raise at least $100 per child. That is why we are asking for help with this worthwhile project.
We will meet at Walmart on December 14th at 7 a.m. for our clothing party. As always, all funds collected will be used in our community. There are no administrative or processing fees, and no money will be sent elsewhere. All money donated will be used for the purchase of clothing only. All contributions are tax-deductible. Proceeds from this program will not be used for Shriners Hospitals for Children.
Tickets are $20.00/ea. NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN! The prize package is listed below: A Huntsman's Package worth over $1800. You can purchase your tickets by clicking the button above or by scanning the QR Code below. We will also be in front of Thriftee Super Market on Nov. 2-3 and at other locations to be announced.
All FFL charges and arrangements are the responsibility of the winner.
Thank you for your support to this great cause!!

Join us in fellowship and moral development.
Stated Meeting (Masons Only) : 1st Tuesday of each month @ 7:00PM (except July and August). Fellowship Dinner at 6:00pm - all are welcome. See our calender for additional activities during the month.
1421 South 2nd Avenue, Safford, Arizona 85546, United States
(928) 362 - 2171
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